
A Sports GPS Tracker That Helps You




Footrax Journey So Far..

Distance Covered
0 +
Games Played
0 +
Sprint Distance
0 +
Number of sprints
0 +
Game Time
0 +
Players Impacted
0 +

Footrax Features


This metric refers to the rate at which a player increases in speed.  Essential in sports that require players to make quick bursts of speed.


This metric refers to the rate at which a player decreases in speed. It measures how quickly a player can decrease their speed.

 Average Speed

This metric refers to the average speed of a player over a given period. Helps players to understand their speed maintenance & fitness.

 Total Distance

This metric refers to the total distance that a player travels over a given period. It can be an essential indicator of a player’s work rate.

 Total Sprints

This metric refers to the number of times a player reaches high speeds over a given period. It assesses a player’s ability to create opportunities.

  Top Speed

This metric refers to the highest speed reached by a player over a given period of time. It can be used to determine a player’s maximum potential speed.

 Average Work Rate

This metric measures a player’s or team’s level of physical activity and productivity in a game, typically calculated as distance covered.

Distance per minute

This metric assesses a player’s work rate by measuring the distance a player covers in a minute on the field. It helps in Understanding fitness.

Speed Zone

This metric refers to the amount of time a player spends at different speed thresholds during a match. So, coaches can adjust players’ training programs.

Heat Map

It shows the areas of the field where a player or team is most active or effective. Used to identify player’s strengths and areas of improvement.

 Average Game Time

This metric refers to the amount of time a player spends on the field during a game. It can be used to compare players or teams and to identify areas for improvement.

Sprint Distance

This metric refers to the distance that a player runs at high speeds during a game. It can be used to assess a player’s ability to create opportunities and to make runs into space.

Leaderboard & Comparisons

With this feature, you can create your own personalized card with all the information about your playing position. It will provide you with stats according to your performance in every match. As you progress and enhance your game, you can unlock badges and Achievements. You can connect with other players, make football buddies, and participate in the leaderboard & comparison

Leaderboard & Comparisons

With this feature, you can create your own personalized card with all the information about your playing position. It will provide you with stats according to your performance in every match. As you progress and enhance your game, you can unlock badges and Achievements. You can connect with other players, make football buddies, and participate in the leaderboard & comparison

Leaderboard & Comparisons

With this feature, you can create your own personalized card with all the information about your playing position. It will provide you with stats according to your performance in every match. As you progress and enhance your game, you can unlock badges and Achievements. You can connect with other players, make football buddies, and participate in the leaderboard & comparison

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Nutmeg Football Tournament

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    Indifoot Sports, iHub, Knowledge Consortium of
    Gujarat, Near LD Engineering College, Ahmedabad Gujarat 380015

    Phone No.


    Acceleration, Deceleration, Average Speed, Total Distance, Total Sprints, Top Speed, Average Game Time, Heat Map, Average Work Ratio, and Sprint Distance.

    Wearable technology surpasses camera tracking systems in several key ways. It offers unparalleled convenience and comfort by eliminating the need for complex setups involving multiple cameras. Users benefit from the received feedback, allowing adjustments to movements, which is particularly beneficial in fitness and rehabilitation contexts. This technology seamlessly integrates into everyday life, enhancing usability for both personal and professional applications.

    Footrax helps kids, players, and coaches align their performance with strategic goals. By setting and tracking performance metrics, young enthusiasts can ensure they are progressing effectively towards their goals. Footrax keeps them focused, avoiding wasted time and resources on non-contributory activities.

    Professional players, aspiring athletes, and sports enthusiasts of all ages can use the Footrax device and app to enhance their mental and physical health, work rate, and performance.

    To use Footrax, install the Footrax app on your Android or iOS device and connect it to the Footrax unit, which fits into the Footrax Vest. Once connected, the app will capture and display all your movement data to you.

    You can see all the data on the Footrax application installed on your mobile, with additional features available through the Coach Module website and PDF reports.